Shake Well Before Each Use.
• Wet animal thoroughly and apply sufficient Skin Care Bath to lather well
(Apply straight or dilute with one or two parts water, depending on length and density of coat)
• Massage in well
• Allow ten minutes contact time and rinse completely
• Repeat bathing semi-weekly or weekly, and apply Septiderm-V Skin Care Lotion to hot spots
or sores daily according to directions until conditions are under control
For Routine and Grooming Use:
Apply as directed above except contact time may be shortened. Bathe monthly or as needed.
Deionized Water, Alkyldimethylbenzyl Ammonium Chloride C14 50%, C12 40%, C16 10%, Tetradecyl Trimethyl Ammonium Bromide; Ethanol 0.21% in a cleansing base containing mild surfactants, thickener and fragrance.