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Sovereign Silver Bio-Active Silver Hydrosol 10 ppm - Screwtop Bottle

Sovereign Silver
0 Reviews
Colloidal Silver has been used since the late 1800's in countless applications, and encompasses a wide variety of silver products. Many contain (claimed or unclaimed) salts, proteins, compounds or stabilizers -...

Colloidal Silver has been used since the late 1800's in countless applications, and encompasses a wide variety of silver products. Many contain (claimed or unclaimed) salts, proteins, compounds or stabilizers - all of which affect the safety and efficacy of silver.

Bio-Active Silver Hydrosol represents the ultimate refinement of the colloidal silver category. It contains 98% positively charged silver, in pharmaceutical-grade purified water. Our unique silver species, with a verified and unmatched particle size, remains in its most active state for use within the body.

Bio-active Silver has been used for more than 2,400 years to help safeguard human health. It is a natural element that can be found in whole grains, edible and medicinal mushrooms, mammalian milk, spring water, sea water and tap water. From the time of Hippocrates, silver’s health protective properties have been well-known and vastly researched. Silver was used to help protect the purity and safety of drinking water throughout ancient civilizations.


Start Positive: If silver is not positively charged, it doesn't work well. At best, most collodial silver products contain only 10% charges silver. Sovereign Silver contains 98% positively charged silver [Ag(n)1+], making it exponentially more powerful than other brands.

Think Absorption: The smaller the particle size, the easier it is for the body to absorb and eliminate. Sovereign Silver features an unprecedented particle size of 0.8 nm/0.0008 microns, verified by 3rd party. No other silver can prove the same.

Be Safe: When it comes to concentration, more is not always better. Our tiny particle size yields greater surface area and higher efficiency, making our 10 ppm (parts per million) product more effective than competing brands containing up to 500 ppm. Taken 7 times a day for 70 years, Sovereign Silver still falls below the EPA's (Environmental Protection Agency) daily oral Reference Dose (RfD) for silver.

Embrace Purity: Sovereign Silver has only two ingredients: 99.999% pure silver and pharmaceutical-grade purified water. It does not contain added salts or proteins that render other silver products less effective. Plus, it is packaged in non-leaching glass bottles, never plastic, to guarantee purity throughout its shelf-life. Sovereign Silver is vegan. It is also allergen, gluten and GMO free.


Maintenance Dose - Adults <70kg: 1 teaspoon, 1-3 times daily. Or as directed by a health care provider. Hold sublingually for 30 seconds before swallowing

  • Immune-Building - 3 times daily.
  • Long-Term Immune Support - 5 times daily.
  • Short-Term Immune Support - 7 times daily.

Ear Health - 1-2 droppersful, hold for 3 minutes, 3 times daily.

Eye Health - Use 1-2 drops, every hour.

Female Health - Take 3 ounces, hold for 20 minutes, repeat 2 times daily.

For Healthy Water - 2 tbsp. (1oz.) per gallon of water.

Gastrointestinal Health - Take 2 tbsp. (without holding under tongue) on an hourly basis, and on an empty stomach, until balance is restored. Follow with a probiotic at bedtime.

Intestinal Health Balance - Take 2 tbsp. of silver (without holding under tongue) along with 2 tbsp. of pure aloe liquid, on an empty stomach. Repeat 3 times daily. Follow with a probiotic at bedtime.

Mouth and Gum Health - Hold 1-2 tbsp. in mouth for 3 minutes, 4 times daily.

Nasal Health - 1-2 droppersful, leave for 3 minutes. Repeat 3-4 times daily. Or, if using a vertical spray, 5 to 10 sprays, 4 times per day.

Respiratory Health - See Short-Term Immune Support dosage above.

Throat Health - Lightly gargle 2 tbsp. in throat for 3 minutes, repeat 4 times daily. If using spray, 15 sprays every hour.

Urinary Tract Health - Take 1 tbsp. (without holding under tongue) hourly, on an empty stomach, until urinary tract balance is restored.

When Traveling - Take 1 tsp. before, during and after flying.

First Aid Recovery Support for Cuts, Scrapes, Bug bites, etc. - Use Sovereign Silver Homeopathic Silver First Aid Gel.

Nail Health - See Long-Term Immune Support dosage above. And use Sovereign Silver Homeopathic Silver First Aid Gel.

Skin Health - Use Sovereign Silver Homeopathic Silver First Aid Gel.

Serving Size 1 teaspoon (5 mL)
Servings Per Container 11.5
1 teaspoon = 6 droppersful

Per Serving

(1 teaspoon) %DV
Children 4 years
& older
(1/2 teaspoon) %DV



50 mcg * 25 mcg *


* Daily Value (DV) not established.


Other ingredients: Pharmaceutical-grade purified water (USP-NF).

Important Shipping Notice Regarding Cold Weather Conditions

Due to the unique properties of Bio-Active Silver Hydrosol, we want to ensure that our customers receive our product in the best possible condition. Be advised that shipping this product in freezing temperatures (below 32°F or 0°C) poses a significant risk of freezing the liquid inside the bottle, which can lead to the bottle breaking or the product being compromised.

We continuously monitor weather conditions and will halt shipping to areas experiencing freezing temperatures.

If your order coincides with a period of freezing temperatures, we will hold the shipment and will proceed to ship your order once temperatures are safe for shipping.


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Sovereign Silver Bio-Active Silver Hydrosol 10 ppm - Screwtop Bottle

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